The Jamor Swimming Pool Complex started the 2021/2022 sporting season on the 15th of September.
The registration renewal process or new registrations, either for the Jamor Swimming School (Pure Swimming for children/adults, Swimming for Babies, Water Aerobisc, Hydrotherapy and Clinical Pilates), or for the Free Use modality, takes place in person at the secretariat of the Swimming Pool Complex.
Scheduled times for 2021/2022 are available at the following links:
• Swimming - adults (+14 years)
Filled classes:
The classes for adaptation to the aquatic environment of children (AMA 3, AMA 4, AMA 5-6 and AMA 7-13), as well as LEVEL I +7, LEVEL I + 14 and Hidrosenior, are full. If you wish to register on a waiting list, you must select up to 2 times and send an email to piscinas.jamor@ipdj.pt indicating the following information regarding the user: name, taxpayer number, date of birth, contact (phone and email).
The Free Use modality is also full. If you wish to register on a waiting list, you can send an email to Piscinas.jamor@ipdj.pt indicating the following information regarding the user: name, taxpayer number, date of birth, contact (phone and email).
Registration for Hydrotherapy activities:
Enrollment in the Hydrotherapy modalities (except Pre Childbirth Exercise) implies a prior diagnostic evaluation with the responsible therapist. For this purpose, you should contact the secretariat or send an email to piscinas.jamor@ipdj.pt requesting the respective appointment.
Swimming Tests:
Please note that the prior completion of a SWIMMING TEST is a fundamental procedure for enrolling in the following categories:
• Registration for Regular Free Use
• Enrollment in Pure Swimming classes for users over 6 years of age and experienced in swimming.
In view of the high demand and limited enrollment possibilities, we would like to inform you that from now on the swimming tests will take place at the following time and require prior appointment (via telephone number 210 540 312):
• Business days, from 11:15 am to 1:00 pm and from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
For more information contact us through our email piscinas.jamor@ipdj.pt