Recreational Playground
The Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor's (CDNJ) (Jamor National Sports Center) Recreational Playground, with an area of about 1.500 m2, has 9 playful equipment’s made of Alpine Larch Wood, with its natural color, and steel. These materials are very resistant and without special need of chemical treatment harmful to people and the environment.
The equipment is of great playful wealth privileging the motor activity, the game, the movement, the agility and the interaction of children and young people between the age of 3 and the 14 years old, as the Nest Swing, the Sand Serpent, the Shipyard slide, a combination of towers with nets and access points, the little Stake house, Swings and the Dwarves Hill.
This space is also equipped with supportive urban furniture, including a water cooler/fountain, stationery stores, some garden benches and a panel with useful information, according to the requirements of the legislation in force.
The implementation of children's playground equipment in the area, ensures areas of circulation and appropriate safety to the requirements of the legislation for this type of space (DL 119/ 2009, from May 19th, that came to change the DL 379/97, from December 27th).
In relation to the existing vegetation in the equipment installation area, an exhaustive survey of the existing species was made as well as its current state of conservation.
In this sense, a renewal of dry trees was carried out, invasive and in bad phytosanitary state, as well as pruning maintenance and airing to improve the development of new trees. Planting reinforcement was also carried out with copies of Acer Negundo in a tree alignment lower than the edge of the forest, and a planting of some bushy bushes of suitable species for shading of the area.
The Recreational Playground is next to the Field Hockey Pitch, between the Urban Park support parking and the Adventure Mini-Park | Climbing Wall there existing.