
Tennis School


The Tennis School is the responsibility of the Clube de Ténis do Jamor (Jamor Tennis Club), with whom the former Instituto do Desporto de Portugal, I.P. (Portugal Institute of Sport) signed a cooperation protocol.

The main purpose of the Clube de Ténis do Jamor is to promote and serve, by specialized technicians and duly accredited by the Federação Portuguesa de Ténis (FPT) (Portuguese Tennis Federation), the practice of the sport.

The Clube de Ténis do Jamor offers its users classes for several age groups and different levels of education:

In addition to classes, Jamor Tennis Club periodically promotes various activities within the modality, such as ATL's, sports holidays, meetings, competitions, intensive courses, among others.

The Clube de Ténis do Jamor administrative services are installed in one of the Centro de Treino de Ténis (Tennis training Center) Central Court towers.

Know more in: www.ctjamor.com/ 

E-mail: clubetenisjamor@gmail.com