


The Jamor Swimming Pool Complex will start the 2021/2022 sports season on September 15th.

The registration renewal process or for new registrations, either for the Jamor Swimming School (Pure Swimming for Children/Adults, Swimming for Babies, Hydro Aerobics, Hydrotherapy and Clinical Pilates), or for the Free Use modality will take place according to the phases below. 

PHASE 1 – already held last July (only for the direct renewal of users enrolled in 2020/2021 in the activities of the Jamor Swimming School) 

PHASE 2 - September 6th, 7th and 8th


a. New enrollments for family members of enrollees in 2021/2022

(parents, children, siblings, being equally applicable to spouses) 

b. Renewals in Free Use, for users who have been registered in the 2019/2020 and/or 2020/2021 season (only renewal - there are no new registrations in Free Use at this stage)

c. Users who were able to renew in July/2021


Enrollment/renewal can take place through the Portal (https://reservas.ipdj.pt/portal/) or in person at the secretary of the Swimming Pool Complex. In any case, the renewals/enrolments will take place according to the vacancies available at the time, and no uniformity of time between the household is guaranteed.

PHASE 3 - from September 9th, 1st time registrations or registration renewals


All interested parties or users who have not renewed their registration in the previous phases and who wish to enroll in any activity.


Enrollment/renewal can take place through the Portal (https://reservas.ipdj.pt/portal/) or in person at the secretary of the Swimming Pool Complex. In any case, renewals/registrations will take place according to the vacancies available at the time. 


Enrollment/renewal through the Portal will be exclusively for the Free Use modality.

Enrollments/renewals for the activities of the Swimming School will have to be made in person at our secretariat.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Additional Notes:
1 - In any of the above stages, registration/renewals in Postural Correction, Rehabilitation, Clinical Pilates, Therapeutic Swimming, Adapted Swimming and Pre-Party activities take place exclusively in person at the Swimming Pool Complex secretariat.
2 - The prior completion of a SWIMMING TEST is a fundamental procedure for enrolling in the following categories:
• Enrollment in Regular Free Use (test required only for phase 3)

• Enrollment in the Pure Swimming classes for users over 6 years of age and with experience in swimming (required in phase 3 and in new enrollments for family members of those enrolled in phase 2).
The swimming tests will take place at the following time (no prior appointment is required and takes place in order of arrival):
• Between September 3rd and 14th: business days from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

• From September 15th: weekdays, from 11:15 am to 1:00 pm and from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Scheduled times for 2021/2022 are available at the following links:
For more information contact us through our email Piscinas.jamor@ipdj.pt
