With the entry into force of the State of Calamity, it become possiblethe resumption of sports practice, following the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 33-A / 2020, of 30 April.
It is necessary to disclose some guidelines and useful documents related to this recovery.
Exceptional and temporary measures approved by the Government:
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 45-B/2020 - Diário da República No. 119/2020, 1st supplement, series I of 2020-06-22, defines the special rules for the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon in the scope of the calamity situation declared by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 40-A / 2020, of 29 of May, in its current wording.
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 40-A/2020, of 29 May, establishes, in the regime attached to it, the special rules applicable to physical and sporting activity (Article 19).
Plan to resume high-performance sports activities:
The resumption of sports training, based on the recommendations of the health authorities, must adapt to the specificity of the modality, the training tasks, the conditions of the facilities and the age, level of practice and health status. Know the objectives and recommendations and access the support guide for risk assessment and identification of mitigation measures.
Guide for the elaboration of a Protection Procedures Manual:
Following the gradual lifting of the suspensions and interdictions of some sports facilities, which have closed to prevent the transmission of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, CAR Jamor presents a Guide for the preparation of a Manual of Procedures for the Protection of Athletes and Staff.
General information about Covid-19 disease:
The IPDJ, through its Portal, provides an area where you can find different information about Covid-19, as well as links to other institutional pages where it is relevant on this matter. You can access that area here.