The Recreational Playground of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ), in the Urban Park of Jamor, which has been closed for the safety of its users since last summer, since there have been several falls of large branches of eucalyptus trees in this space, will be subject to an intervention which intends to definitively solve this problem.
The recreational playground at the Jamor’s Urban Park has been closed for the safety of its users since last summer, as there have been several falls of large eucalyptus branches in this space.
In eucalyptus in situations of water stress, there is often a breakage of branches even when they are in good phytosanitary status. Since these specimens are located in an intensive playground used mostly by children, a situation of insecurity was created which needs to be improved.
In this context, the eucalyptus of the recreational playground of the CDNJ will be pruned and replaced. This action foresees the planting of 39 new trees, equivalent to twice the number of trees to be removed, better adapted to the specificities of the place, which will translate into a situation of greater security for the users of this space.
This intervention is expected to take place from 3 to 7 December.
Following the works referred to the level of the tree cover, the recreational playground will also be the target of corrective and preventive maintenance work, at the level of the children's playground equipment there.
These works will allow the partial use of the space, being foreseen its execution during the month of December of 2018.
We regret the constraints that result to our users from the unavailability of this space and will inform about the reopening of this space, which is foreseen as soon as possible.
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