The Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ), from the perspective of involvement and support to the community, created PAALCO Jamor, a program designed to support activities developed by associations and non-profit clubs in the Municipality of Oeiras, aiming at carrying out free outdoor activities developed by associations and local clubs in the CDNJ space, which promote various actions of awareness and environmental education and the cultural and natural heritage, involving the population of all age groups.
This program promotes the creation of effective opportunities to publicize the work developed by non-profit associations and clubs in the Municipality of Oeiras, often deprived of access to outdoor and more naturalized areas.
It is intended that the actions to be developed tend to be free or have low costs for users, as well as being as diverse as possible, ensuring a variety of activities, in order to allow a greater choice of choice to the visitors of this space.
Within the scope of the PAALCO Jamor program, the following activities were developed in 2019:
Click on the image to see it in a bigger format (in Portuguese only)
It was found that these activities had a good adhesion and receptivity, reason why the associations and institutions that organized them expressed interest in re-organizing new actions that will include the population in general.
These initiatives are important for making citizens aware of this space and enable the creation of synergies that can improve the maintenance and preservation of this space, and these actions also play an important role in the well-being of those who participate and in the valorization of this unique space.
BioBlitz results page at BioDiversity4All here and to the species page here.
More information and registration here.