The Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. opens on December 17th, at 4:30 pm, the Interpretive Center of Jamor, which will be installed in the Jamor Swimming Pool Complex.
The Interpretive Center of Jamor aims to make known the evolution of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ), in heritage, landscape, sports, recreational, cultural and environmental aspects.
75 years ago the doors of the National Stadium opened. On June 10, 1944, in a ceremony with 60,000 spectators and the presence of the highest figures of the State, begins the history of what is still today the largest national sports center. So that the history of this space can be told and understood over all these years, IPDJ developed the project of the Interpretive Center of Jamor.
The transformation, over these 75 years, of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ), whether architecturally, socially, environmentally or landscapefully, today allows the presentation of a highly valuable narrative.
The Interpretive Center integrates four main nuclei and one of temporary exhibitions:
- Vale do Jamor: the transformation of the landscape, description of all space and surroundings before becoming the CDNJ;
- Built Heritage: a sports park, the transformation of space, previous and current infrastructures in the CDNJ;
- Emotions Space: from leisure to competition, highlighted in a timeline of the great moments and events held at the CDNJ;
- Biodiversity Center: presents the importance of Mata do Jamor in relation to the richness of fauna and flora;
- Temporary exhibition space as the inaugural exhibition will be exhibited the exhibition «National Stadium: From Dream to Concretization», which portrays the entire process of construction of the stadium, in the early 1930s, until its inauguration in 1944.
At a later stage, the IPDJ will extend offers:
- Jamor Cultural Route: Creation of routes with cultural, sports and environmental itineraries;
- Temporary exhibitions: Contextualized in the different locations of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ).
is located at the Swimming Pool Complex and can be visited free of charge at the following schedules:
Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 10 pm;
Saturdays, from 8h00 to 18h00;
Sundays and holidays, from 8h00 to 13h00.
Guided tours for organized groups start in January. Bookings should be made via email: or by private message through