The Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ) has several areas panted with meadows, and this type of soil cover has several benefits, both for the environment and for users of the sports complex.
In environmental terms, meadows are a good alternative because they are a ground cover that does not need watering, developing only with rainwater.
It does not require much maintenance, and should be cut only after the seeds fall, so that their regeneration occurs, allowing the beginning of a new cycle.
Meadows also exclude the use of phytopharmaceuticals and fertilizers, avoiding contamination of soil and water lines.
It allows the perception of the passage of the seasons due to their diversity of plants and the various phases of their life cycle - germination, development, flowering, fruiting - and embellish the place, being a more naturalized solution.
In the CDNJ, the meadows are cut two to four times a year, or when operational reasons require it, sometimes with plants reaching heights up to 50 cm. During the summer, the vegetation that constitutes the meadow dries, being this a natural process and a part of the normal life cycle of the plants.
The meadows promote the biodiversity and the sustainability of the areas where it is installed, performing different functions, namely:
- A refuge for the fauna;
- A source of food for pollinating insects;
- Being a soil cover, avoiding erosion and regulating the soil temperature;
- Allows water saving;
- It beautifies the space and make it more naturalized;
- It influences the perception of the passage of the seasons.