The establishment of this agreement of use between the Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. (IPDJ, IP), the Direção-Geral do Tesouro e Finanças (DGTF) and the Federação Portuguesa de Ténis (FPT) will allow the use of facilities and equipment of the Tennis Training Center and the creation of synergies, while reducing costs and improving the conditions of operation of this sports facility, as well as the promotion of sports in accessible conditions.
The IPDJ awarded the FPT, for a period of 10 years, the operation of the Tennis Training Center, and the period for the assignment of the agreement can be automatically renewed for two periods of 5 years.
The Tennis Training Center will operate according to a specific regulation, previously approved by the IPDJ, I.P., which includes, among other aspects of a general nature:
a) respect and articulation with the general regulations of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ);
b) the usage fees to be practiced at the Tennis Training Center;
c) the availability of open and covered fields for the different types of sports practice;
d) compliance with agreements signed by IPDJ with third parties, until their maturity or renewal;
e) the creation of a pool of days of use of infrastructures of the Tennis Training Center for activities promoted or supported by IPDJ, not conflicting with the purpose of activities of the Federation, up to a maximum of 30 days per year.
The new contacts of the Tennis Training Center are as follows:
Tel: [+351] 214 19 30 54