In pursuit of a higher quality service to our users and due to the Simplex+ Program, the Jamor's Swimming Pools Complex has, as of March 7, two new Digital Kiosks in order to expand the payment options of monthly payments of the classes of the Escola de Natação do Jamor (Jamor’s Swimming Scholl) and to load the user cards for the modality of Free Use.
The Digital Kiosks are located at the main entrance of the Jamor's Swimming Pool Complex (next to the Secretary) and next to the turnstiles of access to the dressing rooms.
The available features are:
Free Use
- Card Balance Inquiry
- Card loading
Jamor’s Swimming School Lessons
- Payment of monthly fees
- The use of this equipment at this stage is only for users with active registration in the Jamor’s Swimming Pools Complex for the present season (2017-2018).
- Users without active registration must go to the secretary.
- The acquisition of free use usage tickets is not yet available through this way.