In 2021, the CDNJ once again saw its activities severely affected as a result of the pandemic. However, it was possible to implement a significant set of improvements in various sectors of the sports complex, with the aim of continuously striving for the improvement of the conditions provided to our users, whether those who use the CDNJ for sports or those who practice sports of leisure.
The main interventions carried out in 2021, with regard to lawns, green spaces and forest area, are described below:
Requalification of the National Stadium lawn
Considering the current needs and sporting requirements at the highest level, the National Stadium lawn was requalified, in order to provide the appropriate technical, structural and functional characteristics to respond to the requests and commitments assumed and provide the best conditions for the spectacle. sport.
This requalification will allow for a more sustainable management of resources and a better use and profitability of this installation through the possibility of responding to the needs of high performance and competitions organized by the Portuguese Professional Football League.
To ensure good sporting performance and overall turf quality, current construction techniques were used for natural sport turfs, in order to guarantee premium surface quality parameters, with the following interventions having been carried out: Removal of the lawn mat and surface excavation; Execution of a new Drainage System; Implementation of a new Irrigation System with independent sprinklers for its automation and monitoring; Rooting area and placement of natural grass mat in Big Roll and replacement of surrounding framing beds with synthetic lawns.
Remodeling of the Lighting of the National Stadium Area
This intervention aimed to ensure the operability of this sports facility, following the proximity of the end of the useful life of the equipment, and at the same time due to the need to reduce operating costs and ensure the levels of lighting currently required for the realization of television broadcasts, using to more efficient technologies.
Requalification of the Shooting Range Parking Lot
The Shooting Range car park was reclassified, with the aim of enabling better use and profitability of this installation by recovering the existing space.
Supply and repair of fences
Repairs were carried out for damaged or missing fences. This intervention proved to be essential for the safe use of the CDNJ as a whole and for controlling access to exclusive use areas.
Project for the Recovery and Structural Strengthening of the Bridge over the River Jamor
The objective of the project was to make future traffic possible on the work of art in question, with a reduced road use foreseen, for mostly internal use, being also foreseen the pedestrian use of the same.
Implementation of a smooth mobility route along the internal road of the Parque Urbano do Jamor
Through a reprofiling of the existing internal road along the Parque Urbano do Jamor, a new smooth mobility route was implemented, which complements the network of accessible routes already built at CDNJ and allows the connection between the Green and Blue Axis and the park parking at the Parque Urbano do Jamor.
Along the way, 46 trees and a hedge with about 200 shrubs were planted.
This intervention also consisted of strengthening the planting of the existing slope between Av. Pierre de Coubertain and the aforementioned road, with the planting of 83 trees, consolidating this framing green space with deciduous and persistent tree nuclei with different flowering interest.
Repair and expansion of tree boilers in the parking lot of the Urbano do Jamor car park
The 45 tree boilers in the car park supporting the Urbano do Jamor park (park No. 2) were enlarged and repaired, due to their insufficient size for the proper growth of the trees planted about 12 years ago and the pavement lifting problems they presented.
Cleaning and replanting the upper slope of the National Stadium
Vegetation was cleared on the slopes of the upper ring of the National Stadium, with the removal of invasive species and some trees that were at risk of falling. The planting of hedges to frame the bars/wc in the upper ring was carried out, recovering part of the design of the initial project for the Stadium.
Repair of a crack in the wall surrounding the garden walls of Quinta da Graça
In 2021, the repair and consolidation of a crack in the west wall of the hexagonal wall surrounding the well in the gardens of Quinta da Graça was carried out, ensuring greater safety for users and contributing to the preservation of the built heritage.
Repair and consolidation of the path between the climbing wall and the informal lawn
The gravel path between the climbing wall and the informal lawn of the urban park was consolidated and repaired.
Placement of street furniture
Banks and litter bins were installed along the Green and Blue Axis, creating rest areas and river observation and contributing to the proper disposal of waste.
Work carried out within the scope of regular maintenance operations of the CDNJ
Throughout 2021, within the scope of the general maintenance of the green spaces for framing and recreation, some relevant interventions were carried out, such as: the drilling and reseeding of the informal lawn of the urban park, the pruning of dry branches and felling of rotting trees along the Av. Pierre de Coubertin, the felling of dead palm trees due to beetle attacks, the implementation of new punctual irrigation networks and the replanting of missing shrubs and trees.
Planting of 100 medium-sized trees for the redevelopment of tree cover in the tram racket area
In the green space located next to the old tram racket and the framing area of Quinta da Graça, some specimens that were in worse condition and that did not offer safety were removed, proceeding to the planting of 100 new trees, of different species.
Plantation of 40 strawberry trees south of Nossa Sra. da Boa Viagem Chapel
After the work of repairing the stone wall and the gutters of the drainage system to the south of the slope of the Chapel of Nossa Sra. da Boa Viagem, in the beginning of 2021, 40 strawberry trees were planted on this slope, for its consolidation.
Plantation of 6 arbutus trees along the mountain bike track
Six strawberry trees were planted next to the mountain bike track, in the area next to the SIMAS reservoir.
Pruning and removal of large trees
26 trees were pruned and 25 trees were removed, located in the forest zone and in the Urban Park. This was a need identified through the analysis of the status and size of these specimens, which could pose some risk to users.
Planting of 60 medium-sized trees next to the new Shooting Range car park
In the Shooting Range car park Requalification Project, in addition to the creation of a tree curtain, another 60 new trees were also planted in the area of the forest area adjacent to the parking lot.
Planting of 30 medium-sized trees along the green-blue axis, near Quinta das Biscoiteiras
In order to requalify the area adjacent to Quinta das Biscoiteiras, the vegetation in this area was cleared and the planting was reinforced, with the introduction of another 30 Ulm trees, along the Green-Blue Axis.
Plantation of 220 trees/bushes of forest size next to the mill in Alto de Santa Catarina and at the end of the CDNJ
With the support and collaboration of the Associação Vamos Salvar o Jamor (AVSJ), the planting of new trees and shrubs began in the area next to the Alto de Santa Catarina mill and in the extreme area of the CDNJ, adjacent to the new parking lot.
Placement of Markers in the Area of the SIMAS Reservoir, in Alto de Sta. Catarina
With the aim of dissuading the presence of cars in this area and the undue deposit of rubble and other residues, markers were placed next to the SIMAS water tank.