Taking into account the extension of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic, regulated by Decree 3-A / 2021, of January 14, we inform that as of January 15, 2021 and until further news, the following restrictions will apply:
Large fields, including rugby fields, will only be used for national teams, high performance and professional athletes and school activities and athletes of the 1st national division or competitive level competition correspondent of all the modalities of the senior men and women, those who participate in international championships and the activity of accompanying these athletes in adapted sport, as well as the respective technical and refereeing teams.
The shooting range will also be closed, except for training of the national teams and high-performance athletes, according to the schedule established by the Portuguese Shooting Federation.
The dressing rooms of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ) will only be used to support the activities mentioned above.
The cryotherapy, hydromassage and turkish bath area will be closed.
The multisport fields and the athletics track at the National Stadium will have no restrictions in its use.
We will inform you as soon as this situation changes.