It will take place on the Cross Track of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ), on December 12th, between 7:00 am and 2:00 pm, the Regional Championship of Short Cross Country.
This event is organized by the Lisbon Athletics Association (AAL), with the support of the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth (IPDJ) and the Municipality of Oeiras.
Due to the rules for the segregation of participants, both in the competition and for the general public, it is informed that AAL will control access to the competition space, with only the passage of athletes, coaches and official agents being duly authorized by the promoter, and access to other persons is prohibited.
Please note that, temporarily and during the competition period, the access gate to the track through the Estrada da Rocha entrance will be closed, and users should go to the nearest entrance, next to the Tennis Courts.
During the day of December 11th, due to the preparation of the track, it may be limited in its use, since the circuits of the competition tracks will be marked.